Leaving A Legacy
UncategorizedLife is full of uncertainties but one thing that is certain is that one day we will walk off of this planet. We will die one day. I am not trying to be morbid, but this is just reality. The question is as Christians what will our legacy be? What will we be remembered for? Will it really matter in the end how padded our bank account is or even our social status? The truth is everything that we currently own will either be at the bottom of a junk pile or will belong to somebody else at some point in the future. This should put into perspective what our goals in life should be as we think in the eternal and not just the here and now!
I want to be remembered as someone who not only loved Jesus but loved people! I want my life to reflect one who was generous and loved the least of these! I want to leave behind children and grandchildren who are passionate about the gospel and the glory of God above all else and are willing to follow Jesus no matter the cost. I want my life to still be having an eternal impact even one hundred years after I am gone.
We must keep these things in perspective as we make daily decisions. I confess that I am a work in progress because my heart often gravitates toward selfishness and wanting to expand my kingdom and not God’s. We all must actively stay in God’s word daily and strive to seek Him as He continues to make us more like Jesus. As God’s people, not only is this important, but it is crucial. Let’s leave a legacy!
“Our greatest fear should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don’t really matter.” -Francis Chan