Tag Archives: faith

Combat The Enemy With Truth


The enemy always knows how to attack us! He knows our weaknesses and will come after us without hesitation. He often uses our past to try and distract us. It’s amazing to me how I will randomly have memories of past mistakes come out of nowhere and some of these will be as far back […]

My Story

I was raised in a Christian home. Growing up my parents always taught me the things of God and so everything I learned from them was from a biblical perspective. My dad is a pastor so going to church was never an option for me. My dad to this day is one of my heroes […]

Never Leave You

Scripture is clear on more than one occasion that God promised to never leave us nor forsake us. This means that regardless of circumstances, He is there. That is much easier to preach than always understand but it is most definitely true. This was written to believers in the New Testament who were being killed […]

10 Things I Am Currently Praying For

1. More opportunities to preach the gospel whether it be from a stage or in everyday conversation. 2. Bold obedience in sharing the gospel when the opportunities present themselves. 3. That Jesus would be the primary focus in everyday life starting at home & extending to the church, work, & ultimately around the world. 4. […]

3 Ways To Love Your Wife

“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” Ephesians 5:25 This is a verse that most people are familiar with, at least those who have grown up in church. All husbands including myself are commanded to love our wives in the same way that Christ loves His […]