Tag Archives: gospel

The Privilege To Serve

serve others

I heard a story years ago that changed the way I looked at everyday life. While I was in college I served on ministry impact teams that traveled to different churches and camps. During the Summer of 2004 I traveled with a team of six students. We spent a month or so in West Virginia […]

Leaving A Legacy

Life is full of uncertainties but one thing that is certain is that one day we will walk off of this planet. We will die one day. I am not trying to be morbid, but this is just reality. The question is as Christians what will our legacy be? What will we be remembered for? […]

3 Reasons A Church Should Change!

Let’s be honest, not many of us like change! In fact most of us are creatures of habit whether it’s family traditions or cultural traditions in our community. Repetition brings a sense of comfort and the older I get the more I appreciate the traditions that were established by my parents and grandparents. I look […]

Indirect Evangelism

The other day God humbled me once again. He does this often but I was yet again reminded of how far my influence can carry by just being obedient. Our influence goes so much further than we ever realize whether we are speaking life into those around us or just spreading destructive gossip. Anyway, I […]

10 Things I Am Currently Praying For

1. More opportunities to preach the gospel whether it be from a stage or in everyday conversation. 2. Bold obedience in sharing the gospel when the opportunities present themselves. 3. That Jesus would be the primary focus in everyday life starting at home & extending to the church, work, & ultimately around the world. 4. […]

3 Ways To Love Your Wife

“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” Ephesians 5:25 This is a verse that most people are familiar with, at least those who have grown up in church. All husbands including myself are commanded to love our wives in the same way that Christ loves His […]