Tag Archives: pray

July 2016 Schedule

I am gearing up for a busy July and wanted to share my schedule so you all could be praying with me. I am excited that my family will get to travel with me for a couple of these events. I cannot wait to see what all God is going to do! July 5, Crossroads […]

Why Wait??

I remember as a kid being so impatient! I absolutely hated ever having to wait for anything. Christmas and my birthday seemed to take so long to come around, and I remember our first trip to the beach being the longest five hour ride I had ever experienced up to that point. Our culture in […]

Honoring Those Behind The Scenes

The majority of those used by God to expand His kingdom never get any kind of recognition. So many who are a huge part of the body of Christ are never seen and they really don’t care to be. However, I want to take this opportunity to honor all those who do so much behind […]