How often does Scripture need to reference something for it to be deemed important? If we truly believe that the Bible is God’s inspired word then the answer would be just once right? That means that even if the Bible just mentioned an issue one time, we should still take notice. Now consider how many […]
Tag Archives: Scripture
Never Leave You
UncategorizedScripture is clear on more than one occasion that God promised to never leave us nor forsake us. This means that regardless of circumstances, He is there. That is much easier to preach than always understand but it is most definitely true. This was written to believers in the New Testament who were being killed […]
10 Things I Am Currently Praying For
Uncategorized1. More opportunities to preach the gospel whether it be from a stage or in everyday conversation. 2. Bold obedience in sharing the gospel when the opportunities present themselves. 3. That Jesus would be the primary focus in everyday life starting at home & extending to the church, work, & ultimately around the world. 4. […]
Death, Grief, and Hope
UncategorizedNothing could have prepared our family for what would occur on Thursday, January 30, 2014! We were awakened by a phone call Thursday morning that would completely turn our world upside down. We learned that my wife’s dad, Don Davis had passed away in his sleep throughout the night. Needless to say we were devastated; […]