Combat The Enemy With Truth
UncategorizedThe enemy always knows how to attack us! He knows our weaknesses and will come after us without hesitation. He often uses our past to try and distract us. It’s amazing to me how I will randomly have memories of past mistakes come out of nowhere and some of these will be as far back as twenty years ago. Many of them are mistakes and insecurities that I thought were behind me but all of a sudden there they are again! This often immediately overwhelms me with feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, defeat, and guilt. They usually sound something this:
“Who do you think you are actually preaching God’s word with your past!”
“How could you stand before all these people with the mistakes you have made.”
“If they only knew who you used to be, they would not take you seriously.”
“You aren’t worthy to be used by God and it’s only a matter of time before everyone knows it!”
To be honest, I deal with this just about every time I am preparing to preach or sharing my faith with somebody in conversation. However, the truth of the cross is always a reminder to me of many things and I have to cling to this daily! We must combat the attacks of the enemy with the truth of the cross from God’s word. Even when Jesus was tempted in Matthew chapter four, He responded with the truth of Scripture.
The truth of the cross is that the price was paid for me at Calvary and the tomb is empty!
I actually agree that I am NOT worthy to be used by God but I don’t have to be! That is the point! He chooses to use me not because of my greatness but because of His greatness! Where I am weak he is strong! When I decrease, he increases in me! My past doesn’t define me anymore because I am a new creation in Christ Jesus! Whenever the enemy comes at us with his lies, we must respond with the truth of God’s word! And be encouraged if the enemy is after you today, because that just probably means you are a threat to him!