Tag Archives: Christ

Jesus Is The Prize


I have a nephew named Railey, and I will never forget something that happened before Melissa and I had children. I was eating Zaxby’s chicken and suddenly Railey, who was a little over a year old at the time, ran up to me all excited. He had never done this before so I remember thinking […]

Three Ways to Maintain Healthy Community

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Having a relationship with Jesus is a journey filled with highs and lows. The joy we have is eternal, but this doesn’t mean that we will never experience tough times. In fact, Jesus tells us explicitly that it will be this way. I believe that is why the New Testament puts so much emphasis on […]

Why Wait??

I remember as a kid being so impatient! I absolutely hated ever having to wait for anything. Christmas and my birthday seemed to take so long to come around, and I remember our first trip to the beach being the longest five hour ride I had ever experienced up to that point. Our culture in […]

3 Ways To Handle Discouragement

Discouragement always hits us unexpectedly and uninvited. It doesn’t discriminate based on social status or popularity. It doesn’t even need a reason to exist as often we don’t have a reason for our discouragement we just know we are down. Nobody is immune to this disease and everybody faces it at some point or another. […]

Honoring Those Behind The Scenes

The majority of those used by God to expand His kingdom never get any kind of recognition. So many who are a huge part of the body of Christ are never seen and they really don’t care to be. However, I want to take this opportunity to honor all those who do so much behind […]

My Story

I was raised in a Christian home. Growing up my parents always taught me the things of God and so everything I learned from them was from a biblical perspective. My dad is a pastor so going to church was never an option for me. My dad to this day is one of my heroes […]