10 Things I Am Currently Praying For
Uncategorized1. More opportunities to preach the gospel whether it be from a stage or in everyday conversation.
2. Bold obedience in sharing the gospel when the opportunities present themselves.
3. That Jesus would be the primary focus in everyday life starting at home & extending to the church, work, & ultimately around the world.
4. To be the husband I am called to be. I want my wife to know she is loved not just by me telling her but in how I serve her.
5. To be a dad my children are proud of and leave a legacy with them that could possibly change the world.
6. To have compassion toward the least of these, those whom I disagree with, and even those who would hate me.
7. To be a person of genuine faith that is willing to abandon all comfort and embrace the cross for the sake of the gospel and the glory of God.
8. To be a person who worships God with my life daily & not just on Sundays.
9. To trust God even when life doesn’t make sense or things don’t go my way.
10. To be a person of integrity, love, and a having a humble heart despite how others would possibly treat me.